

A platform that brings people closer to themselves due courses that are executed by experts.

A platform that brings people closer to themselves due courses that are executed by experts.



Interaction design

Visual design


During my internship at SIRUP (based in Berlin), I worked on a platform called Sinnsucher. This platform offers online courses with subjects regarding personal development, psychology, spirituality etc. My task during this project, was to do research to similar platforms, fonts and colors. Besides that I was responsible for making the wireframes. In collaboration with my internship supervisor we eventually translated the wireframes into the final design.

During my internship at SIRUP (based in Berlin), I worked on a platform called Sinnsucher. This platform offers online courses with subjects regarding personal development, psychology, spirituality etc. My task during this project, was to do research to similar platforms, fonts and colors. Besides that I was responsible for making the wireframes. In collaboration with my internship supervisor we eventually translated the wireframes into the final design.


Sinnsucher stated that they wanted to have vibrant colors that enhance each-other in combination with a strong font family. To make the identity more powerful we decided to use Kadwa as a supportive role within the design, because of the robust appearance.

Sinnsucher stated that they wanted to have vibrant colors that enhance each-other in combination with a strong font family. To make the identity more powerful we decided to use Kadwa as a supportive role within the design, because of the robust appearance.


A personal challenge for me was to be in a country where I didn’t speak the language and to work in an environment where I’ve never worked before. This subconsciously put me under pressure, because I had the idea that I needed to prove myself. Eventually, I realized that I was there to learn and I used that pressure to keep me sharp and challenge myself within SIRUP. I worked on stepping out of my comfort-zone and being more bold and pro-active.

A personal challenge for me was to be in a country where I didn’t speak the language and to work in an environment where I’ve never worked before. This subconsciously put me under pressure, because I had the idea that I needed to prove myself. Eventually, I realized that I was there to learn and I used that pressure to keep me sharp and challenge myself within SIRUP. I worked on stepping out of my comfort-zone and being more bold and pro-active.


The biggest challenge regarding the project was to pick up the design vision from the client and translate that in to the visual design. They wanted a powerful and handcrafted look. After several attempts and iterations my internship supervisor and I came up with a vision where we could build upon on that fitted the client expectations.

The biggest challenge regarding the project was to pick up the design vision from the client and translate that in to the visual design. They wanted a powerful and handcrafted look. After several attempts and iterations my internship supervisor and I came up with a vision where we could build upon on that fitted the client expectations.


Working on this project was a huge opportunity for me to learn how a project elapses from A to Z. Starting off with the research phase, some explorations taught me that it is important to represent your idea as concrete as possible to the client. I also got a taste of working with SCRUM. I learned that doing daily stand-ups and working with a backlog keeps everyone in the team up to date. It also helps you to tackle problems faster, which results in more efficiency.

Working on this project was a huge opportunity for me to learn how a project elapses from A to Z. Starting off with the research phase, some explorations taught me that it is important to represent your idea as concrete as possible to the client. I also got a taste of working with SCRUM. I learned that doing daily stand-ups and working with a backlog keeps everyone in the team up to date. It also helps you to tackle problems faster, which results in more efficiency.


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Amrish Jagroe