A fun concept to make smart city data tangible for residents of Rotterdam, the most beautiful city in the world.

A fun concept to make smart city data tangible for residents of Rotterdam, the most beautiful city in the world.




Visual design


CLEVER°FRANKE came up with the issue that many people today are unaware about the fact that they are living in a ‘smart city’, and that their personal data is being used to make the city smart. The goal of this project was to make the smart city tangible to its citizens through an AR powered app.

We as a team decided to take it a step further and added an magical book that interacts with a AR powered app. All with a spark of humour.

CLEVER°FRANKE came up with the issue that many people today are unaware about the fact that they are living in a ‘smart city’, and that their personal data is being used to make the city smart. The goal of this project was to make the smart city tangible to its citizens through an AR powered app.

We as a team decided to take it a step further and added an magical book that interacts with a AR powered app. All with a spark of humour.


Research showed that the word ‘data’ had a bad reputation among the citizens. That is why we as a team decided to make the corporate identity playfull and bright.


While exploring and researching the smart city and buzzword ‘data’, the biggest challenge for me was to visualize all this. Certainly, when you see the work of CLEVER°FRANKE. During the minor, I learned that I had to keep on working on my skill set to get familiar with things that are unknown to me.

While exploring and researching the smart city and buzzword ‘data’, the biggest challenge for me was to visualize all this. Certainly, when you see the work of CLEVER°FRANKE. During the minor, I learned that I had to keep on working on my skill set to get familiar with things that are unknown to me.


While visualizing the magic book, I tried to come up with the best design that fits the concept. The journey has been fun and playful as shown below.

While visualizing the magic book, I tried to come up with the best design that fits the concept. The journey has been fun and playful as shown below.

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*Video isn't compatible with Safari, please use Chrome or another browser.


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Amrish Jagroe